Character sketches of early masters

The following brief biographies appeared in the Weekly Gazette on Saturday 22nd February, 1908. A full page was devoted to the Consecration of the new Burgh Hall and a History of the Lodge.

R. Miller Maclaren

“Bro. R. M. Maclaren joined the Craft in 1897. Ere many months had passed he was in office in the higher orders connected with Masonry, ultimately occuping the Chair of the Knights of Rome, and the Knights of St. John. Bro. Maclaren has also filled other important offices, having been First Principal of Camphill R.A. Chapter. His progress in the Craft has been steadily progressive. He is a member of nearly all the active bodies in the Glasgow district, and holds office in the Supreme governing bodies of several. It may also be mentioned that he is the Grand Patron of the Order of the Eastern Star, which although not a Masonic order is allied to Masonry. It includes in its membership the female relatives of Masons. The Order has assumed huge dimensions in the United States of America, and although it is of no great age in this country already twenty Chapters have been organized and are in good working order.”
(Bro. Maclaren was R.W.M. in 1907-1908)

Bro. David D. Gow, P.M.

“Bro. D. D. Gow, who is well-known and highly popular in Whiteinch, was initiated in Lodge St. Vincent Sandyford No. 553 in May 1898. Two years later he became affiliated to Lodge St. John Whiteinch and attained the dignity of R.W.M. in connection with that Lodge in December 1902. For two years he worthily filled that office. It is worthy of note that during Bro. Gow’s first year in the Chair the number of initiations which took place constituted a record in that respect for St. John’s, which had just then attained its majority.

In 1905-1906, he had the honour of occupying the office of P.G. Sword Bearer, while in 1906-1907 he held the position of Provincial Grand Senior Deacon. He is at present First Principal of Partick Royal Arch Chapter.”
(The number of candidates initiated in Bro. Gow’s first year in the Chair was 62)

Bro. James D. McEwan Jnr., P.M.

“Bro McEwan became a member of the Masonic fraternity in 1895. Taking an active interest from the first in all that concerned the Craft, his valuable services being recognized by the Members of St. John in asking him to fill the important office of R.W.M. During his term of office the Lodge was very prosperous, and fully justified the confidence reposed in Bro. McEwan. He filled the Chair with great acceptance to the Members, creating during his tenure of office a record number of members made. He has held other important offices, having been First Principal in the R.A. Chapter. He is also a prominent member of the Knights of Malta, Knights of the Holy Sepulchre of St. John the Evangelist, the Rosicrucian Society of Scotland and the Royal Order. He presently holds the office of Junior Warden of the Province of Glasgow.

In every sense of the term a local man – being the owner of the Cyclops Foundry and therefore an extensive employer of labour in the district. Bro. McEwan by his genial and affable manner and businesslike qualities is highly popular. That his masonic enthusiasm has – if we may be allowed the expression – permeated the ranks of his employees is evidenced by the fact that a very large majority of his workers are staunch and loyal members of the Craft.”
(Bro. McEwan was initiated in the Lodge of Glasgow St. John 3bis, affiliated to St. John Whiteinch on 25th October 1900 and was installed as R.W.M. in December 1900)