List of Past Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge Office Bearers

Grand Lodge

James D. McEwan, Member of the Board of Grand Stewards, Grand Inner Guard.
Baillie William Smith, Member of the Board of Grand Stewards.
David D. Gow, Representative at Grand Lodge of the Grand Lodge of Arkansas.

Provincial Grand Lodge

Andrew M. Smith, Director of Ceremonies, President of Stewards, Treasurer.
Alexander F.C. Shaw, Senior Warden.
Alexander Robertson, Marshall.
Thomas W. Brown, Inner Guard, Architect.
James D. McEwan, Junior Warden, Senior Warden, Bible-Bearer, Junior Deacon.
David D. Gow, Sword Bearer, Senior Deacon, Junior Warden.
John C. Bannatyne, Director of Ceremonies, Architect, Junior Warden, Senior Warden.
Neil McTavish, Inner Guard, Jeweller.
John Atwell, Marshall, Jeweller, Steward.
A. Miller McLaren, Steward.
Baillie William Smith, Director of Ceremonies, Junior Deacon, Convener of the Bi-Centenary Committee of Provincial Grand Lodge.
Andrew Pollock, Marshall, Junior Deacon, Director of Ceremonies, Junior Warden, Senior Warden.
George Hawthorn, Steward.
W. Dunlop Brown, Provinicial Grand Secretary of the Province Argyll and the Isles, Substitute Provincial Grand Master.
Walter Collins, Bible-Bearer.
David W. Holmes, Steward, Inner Guard.
Alistair Henderson, Provincial Grand Secretary.

Before embarking upon the compilation of a history of the Lodge, the author was aware of of only one Past Master who had achieved high office in the Province. I refer to Bro. Andrew Pollock. From 1883 to 1939, many of our P.Ms held senior offices. A minute of an Annual Visitation by P.G.L. in the mid-1920s indicates the close attachment between St. John Whiteinch and P.G.L. Bro. A. A. Hagart Spiers Provincial Grand Master stated that all P.Ms of 683 were members of P.G.L. and many were presently or had been office-bearers.