The Lodge Crest is divided into two halves. The first half is made up of the Armorial bearings of the Burgh of Partick which was incorporated by Act of Parliament in 1912 into the City of Glasgow, and consists of:-
Quarterly – 1st and 4th, or, a lymphad or galley with oars in action, Sable.
2nd Gules, a Caster with 2 Circular Towers, Argent, Masared, Sable.
3 Gules, a Bishop’s Mitre, Proper.
On a Chief of the Second, a Garb or Wheat Sheaf between two Millstones of the First.
The second half consists of 3 castles with 1 Circular Tower and a Chevron with Compasses inset. This may have been directly taken from the Crest of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. The Castles, Chevron and Compasses were included in the Coat of Arms granted to the London Company of Freemasons in 1472 and were also adopted by the Premier Grand Lodge of England. The Castles may represent the Trinity or perhaps a walled city. London in medieval times possessed a city wall for the protection of its citizens.
Thus the Lodge crest has local significance and a strong association with Grand Lodge.