1983 – The centenary year

On 10th December 1982 Bro. Alistair Henderson P.M. was installed as Master for his second term as Master to chair the Lodge for its Centenary Year in 1983. Prior to 1983, an Ad Hoc Committee had been set up and met on numerous occasions to organize the Centenary Celebrations. The Lodge accepted its proposal to strike a Commemorative Jewel and to publish a Lodge History. An invitation was extended to the Grand Lodge of Scotland to carry out a Ceremony of Rededication on 14th May 1983 and this was graciously accepted. On this occasion, the Lodge would be honoured by the presence of the Grand Master Mason, Brother Sir James Wilson McKay, a former Lord Provost of Edinburgh.

On 3rd May 1983, exactly 100 years from the granting of the Lodge’s Charter, a Regular Meeting was held in Partick St. Mary’s Lodge No 117’s Temple, 92 Dumbarton Road, Glasgow G11. The Lodge having been opened, the Master then explained the significance of this particular Meeting. The usual business was transacted. A Deputation from Lodge Tower No 1523 was welcomed and later that evening conferred a Third Degree. Brothers W. Gettie and Andrew A. Dunlop were raised to that Degree by the visiting Lodge on this historic occasion. Brother Henderson especially welcomed the Lodge’s oldest living Past Master, Brother Walter Collins P.M., who had, in 1933, attended the Lodge’s 50th Anniversary Celebrations, at which the Lodge’s First Master, Brother Andrew Martin Smith was present. Brother Collins was greeted with very warm applause.

Eleven days later, on 14th May 1983, the Lodge was opened at 4pm in the Lesser Hall, Partick Burgh Hall. A Deputation from our Sister Lodges was received and welcomed. A special welcome was extended to Brother William Warner, Master of Lodge Allegiance No 1465, Constitution}, who headed the Deputation and the Brethren from Belgium. Brother Warner presented the Lodge with a Square and Compasses suitably engraved to commemorate the occasion. The Lodge was, at this stage in the proceedings, raised to the Third Degree. Then, the Deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow was received and made welcome. The usual formalities were conveyed and acknowledged.

A third alarm was given and the assembled Brethren were able to hear the announcement given by the Grand Director of Ceremonies, Brother Gordon D. N. Agnew that the Grand Master Mason and his Deputation demanded admission. Grand Lodge was received with full Masonic Honours and the Mallet was presented to the Grand Master Mason by the Master, who conveyed the Lodge’s Fealty and Allegiance to the Grand Lodge of Scotland and himself. The Grand Master Mason thanked the Master for his warm welcome and for the sentiments which had accompanied the presentation of the Mallet. The traditional Ceremony of Rededication was then conducted by the Senior Grand Chaplain, Brother Rev. George Gillon. The Service comprised Prayers, Hymns and the Obligation taken by the Master reaffirming the Lodge’s commitment to the Tenents of our Masonic Order. During the course of the Ceremony, the Grand Master Mason addressed the Lodge. The large Grand Lodge Deputation included among its number a future Grand Master Mason, Brother Sir Gregor Macgregor of Macgregor. At the conclusion of the Ceremony, the Grand Master Mason returned the Mallet to the Master, who expressed the Lodge’s appreciation to the Brethren of the Grand Lodge Deputation for the most dignified manner in which they had conducted the Ceremony. Thereafter, Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge retired from the Lodge. The Lodge was reduced to the First Degree and closed.

A Celebration Dinner was then held in the Large Hall, Partick Burgh Hall, at which a very large number of Brethren were present. The usual Loyal and Masonic Toasts were proposed and honoured. In his Reply to the Toast to Grand Lodge, the Grand Master Mason congratulated the Lodge on having achieved its Centenary Year and wished it every success in the future. The Toast List included two very prominent Freemasons from Sister Lodges, with which the Lodge had and still has a very close association – Brothers Archibald G. Forfar P.M. 117 and George Marshall P.M. 1207, both of whom were to be awarded Honorary Membership by the Lodge. The Celebration concluded with a Vote of Thanks being proposed by the Master’s brother, Brother J. Stewart Henderson and the singing of Auld Lang Syne.


At the subsequent Meeting on 27th May 1983, the Master thanked the Brethren for their wonderful support both in the months leading up to the Centenary Celebration and on 14th May 1983, when the Celebration took place. The Secretary read many letters of thanks from the Grand Lodge of Scotland, Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow and the Sister Lodges congratulating the Lodge and conveying their appreciation for the hospitality extended to them.

Brother John C. McLean, Senior Warden, on behalf of the Brethren, congratulated the Master on the manner in which he had conducted the Centenary Meeting on 14th May 1983 and for his Chairmanship of the Ad Hoc Committee, which had resulted in a very successful Celebration. In reply, the Master thanked Brother McLean and the Brethren for their kind sentiments and conveyed his personal appreciation to Brother McLean, the Members of the Ad Hoc Committee and the Brethren for all of their hard work and support.

On 23rd September 2003, the Provincial Grand Master, Brother William Fleming, visited the Lodge and congratulated the Lodge on achieving its Centenary Year. Brother Fleming was awarded Honorary Membership of the Lodge.

At the Festival of Saint Andrew of the Grand Lodge of Scotland held on 24th November 1983 November, Brother James Malcolm Marcus Humphrey of Dinnet was installed as Grand Master Mason for the first time. The Master of the Lodge at the Festival held in the Assembly Rooms replied to the Toast to the Daughter Lodges proposed by Brother Robin D. Jackson, Provincial Grand Master of Midlothian. At the Regular Meeting of the Lodge held on 28th September 1984, Brother John C. McLean, Master of the Lodge , presented Brother Walter Collins P.M. with a Distinguished Service Membership Diploma. Several months later, the Provincial Grand Master, Brother William C. Shepherdson, awarded Brother Collins the Honorary Provincial Grand Rank of Senior Deacon. The Lodge presented Brother Collins with an appropriate Jewel and a suitably engraved Gavel.