1983 – 2007.  The Post-Centenary Years

From the time that the Lodge had moved out of and sold its premises at Fore Street, Scotstoun, the issue of a permanent home had constantly been under discussion. The proceeds of the sale of the Fore Street site and the insurance settlement agreed as a result of the fire damage to the buildings were placed in a General Reserve Fund approved by a Notice of Motion on 14th November 1980. Formal and informal discussions took place between Lodges Kelvin Partick No 1207, Western No 1346 and St John Whiteinch No 683. An offer was submitted to buy Temple Parish Church, near Anniesland Cross but rejected. Negotiations took place to buy a share of the Ardery Street Hall. A Notice of Motion was passed 24th January 1986 to proceed in this direction and the outcome of these negotiations proved to be successful.

A letter was read out in the Lodge on 27th May 1988 regarding an application for Affiliation to St Lawrence Lodge No 6042 { English Constitution} from Brother Alexander W. Macdonald, a Master Mason of the Lodge. St. Lawrence Lodge was advised that Brother Macdonald was a clear Member. Subsequently, Brother Macdonald became an Officer in that Lodge and became Master. The Lodge has 6042 { English with St Lawrence Lodge in South Shields on number of occasions and representatives have attended each other’s Lodge’s Installations.

In October the Lodge agreed to present Distinguished Service Membership to Brother John S. Williamson P.M. and this presentation was carried out at the Meeting held on 9th December 1988. Several weeks earlier, Brother Williamson had been honoured by the Grand Master Mason with the award of Honorary Grand Bible-Bearer. At the Annual Installation of Provincial Grand Lodge on 22nd November 1988, Brother John C. McLean was installed as Provincial Grand Inner Guard.

On 8th April 1988, the Lodge was notified by Brother Stewart Smith, a Master Mason of the Lodge, that the Consecration of a new Lodge, Lodge Tir an Eorna No 1775, by Grand Lodge on Tiree would take place on 8th July 1988. A number of its Founder Members were Master Masons of Lodge St John Whiteinch No 683; a large Deputation of Brethren from the Lodge and a number of our Sister Lodges attended the Consecration. The arrangements for the visit and a number of other subsequent visits were made by Brother John C. McLean. Three years later, on 26th April 1991, Lodge Tir an Eorna No 1775 conferred a First Degree in Lodge St John Whiteinch. The Deputation from Tiree was headed by the Master, Brother Stewart Smith. On 25th March 1994, Lodge Tir an Eorna once again visited the Lodge and conferred the Second Degree. The Deputation was headed by the Master, Brother Alastair MacInnes. On that occasion, the Depute Provincial Grand Master of Glasgow, Brother George A. L. McEwan attended, accompanied by the Provincial Grand Master of Argyll and the Isles, Brother Geoffrey H. Spearman.


The Lodge’s 110th Anniversary was celebrated on 14th May 1993, when the Chair was occupied by Brother Robert D. McLachlan. A Deputation was received from our Sister Lodges, headed by the Master of Partick St Mary’s Lodge No 117, Brother Ronald Macdonald. Provincial Grand Lodge was present and led by the Provincial Grand Master, Brother Henry Jeffrey. The Provincial Grand Master and Depute Provincial Grand Master, Brother George A. L. McEwan were presented with Honorary Membership of the Lodge. A Third Degree was conferred by Partick St. Mary’s Lodge.

During 1993, the Lodge recorded a unique achievement. By June of that year, 4 Master Masons of the Lodge occupied the Chairs of 4 different Lodges in Scottish and English Constitutions:-

  • Brother Robert D. Mclachlan – Master of Lodge St. John Whiteinch No 683
  • Brother Alexander Cowley – Master of Lodge Douglas No 1557
  • Brother William Masterton – Fenny Stratford Lodge No 8985(English Constitution)
  • Brother Alastair Macinnes – Lodge Tir An Eorna No 1775

In the 1994 Year Book of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, a photograph of these Brethren appears taken at the Installation of Brother Macinnes on 11th June 1993.

On 14th October 1994, the Immediate Past Provincial Grand Master, Brother William C. Shepherdson introduced into the Lodge a Deputation from the White Abbey Lodge No 993 { Irish Constitution}. The Brethren were visiting Glasgow for a non-Masonic occasion the following day on the south side of Glasgow.

At the Festival of Saint Andrew on Thursday 24th November 1994, Brother Alistair Henderson P.M. was awarded the Honorary Grand Rank of Assistant Secretary. The Lodge was also pleased that one of its distinguished visitors, Brother John Ritchie Ferguson, a Past Master of Lodge Bailie Nicol Jarvie No 1036, was appointed Substitute Grand Master.


On 12th April 1996, the Immediate Past Master, Brother Martin K. Alexander, presented, on behalf of the Lodge, a Mark Master’s Jewel to Brother Iain Lamond P.M., in appreciation of his services as Mark Master over many years.

Later that same year, on 10th October 1996, a Deputation of Brethren attended the Installation of Brother Alexander(Alistair) McDonald, a Master Mason of the Lodge, as Master of St. Lawrence Lodge No 6042(EC) in the Province of Durham.

At the Annual General Meeting of the Lodge on 14th November 1997, the Master, Brother Murdo McDonald, presented Distinguished Service Membership Diplomas to Brothers David W. Holmes P.M. and Andrew H. Orr P.M., who had not only occupied the Chair of the Lodge, but had also served for many years as Benevolent and Annuity Fund Treasurer and Secretary respectively.

During the 1990’s, the following Brethren:- Brother James McIntyre P.M. Brother William M. McDonald P.M. Brother Martin K. Alexander P.M. passed to the Grand Lodge above. All of these Brethren had not long before occupied the Chair of the Lodge and their passing represented a great loss not only to their families but also to the Lodge. At the time of his death, Brother Alexander was Provincial Grand Treasurer. On 9th September 1994, it was intimated at the Regular Meeting of the Lodge, that the LodgeÕs oldest living Past Master, Brother John S. Williamson, who had occupied the Chair in 1943-1944 and who had been Benevolent and Annuity Fund Treasurer for many years, had died.

On 24th March 2000, a team from the Lodge won the Provincial Grand Lodge Masonic Knowledge Trophy.

At the Regular Meeting on 13th October 2000, Brother Hugh Robertson, a Master Mason of the Lodge, and a Past Master of Lodge Corrojong No 184, the Grand Lodge of Victoria, presented Brother Ian Fox, the candidate that evening, with a Lodge St John Whiteinch Dress Apron.

Further success was achieved in Provincial Grand Lodge competitions in 2001-2002 when Brothers David W. Holmes PM and John Cullen, Junior Deacon, won the John Adams Whist Competition and had their names suitably engraved on this magnificent Trophy.

For the only time ever, on 19th May 2001, the Lodge visited Lodge St Kilda No 881, Portree, Isle of Skye to confer the First Degree. This Lodge had been the Mother Lodge of the late son of the Master of the Lodge at this time. Later that year, in September 2001, it was intimated to the Lodge that Brother Thomas R. Wilson, who was to become Master in December 2006, had been inducted as a Minister in the Congregational Church in Airdrie.


At its Installation Meeting in December 2001, for the first time in its History, a father installed his son into the Chair of the Lodge – Brother Robert G. Geddes PM installed his son, Brother Christopher Geddes as Master.

Brother John C. McLean, who had been a Steward and Elected Office-Bearer in Provincial Grand Lodge, was Commissioned as a Substitute Provincial Grand Master by the Provincial Grand Master, Brother Robert R. Best, on 4th February 2003.

On 26th March 2004, when St Lawrence Lodge No 6042 visited the Lodge, the Master, Brother Eric A. Judd, presented the Lodge with an engraved Poniard or Dagger to commemorate the visit. Several months later that year, the Provincial Grand Master, Brother Best, at the Regular Communication on 26th October 2004, presented Brother Alistair Henderson PM 683 with a Silver Salver and Diploma in appreciation of his 22 years service as Provincial Grand Secretary of Glasgow between the years 1982-2004.
Brother Best stated that this was in terms of Scottish Freemasonry an unequalled record.

At the Installation of the Provincial Grand Master, Brother William Gilmour, on Saturday 27th November, two Past Masters of the Lodge were Commissioned by Brother Gilmour:-
Brother Alistair Henderson – Depute Provincial Grand Master
Brother John C. McLean – Substitute Provincial Grand Master

There is no evidence in the Lodge’s records to show that the Lodge has been represented in any Commission by 2 of its Past Masters.

Over the years the Lodge has inter-visited with many Lodges – 73, 117, 166, 333, 103, 881, 1036, 1207, 1346, 1436, 1445, 1523, 1775, 6042 { English Constitution}. Many friendships have been forged and many happy occasions enjoyed.

For a number of years, the Lodge has joined with the other Lodges, which comprise the Western District Association, in holding a Joint Annual Divine Service in Broomhill Parish Church, the Service being conducted by the Minister of the Church, Brother Rev. William Ferguson. The Lodges appreciate greatly all that he has done for them and his openness in acknowledging his membership of the Craft.

Honorary Members of the Lodge { as at the date of this publication}
Brothers William Fleming, William C. Shepherdson, George A. L. McEwan,
Robert R. Best, William Gilmour, Past Provincial Grand Masters.
Brother James C. Peddie, Provincial Grand Master
Brothers Gilbert N. Hill, PM 1591 and 609, Alex Harley, MM 178, James W. Baker PM 117.
Provincial Grand Lodge Office-Bearers
Brother Alistair Henderson, Provincial Grand Secretary 1982-2004; Depute Provincial Grand Master 2004 -.
Brother John C. McLean, Provincial Grand Steward, Provincial Grand Office-Bearer { Junior Deacon}, Substitute Provincial Grand Master 2003-2004, 2004 -.
Brother Martin K. Alexander, Provincial Grand Treasurer