The Future

One of the earliest lessons taught to us is that Freemasonry is a progressive science. Accordingly, I feel that it is appropriate to conclude this History with a brief chapter entitled The Future. The History revels certain important themes which have dominated our past:-

  1. A struggle for survival
  2. The unselfish devotion of certain Brethren to their Masonic principles.
  3. A Lodge whose past must make us all fight for its future.

It is hoped that the History has proved to be enlightening to everyone and that it has given the younger Brethren a source of inspiration. In their hands lies the future. May they dedicate themselves to such pursuits as may enable them to be an honour to the Lodge of which they are members. In 1983, the Lodge was fortunate to have among its membership young Brethren of very great quality. With the Lodge in such a healthy condition, our second hundred years should hold no fears.