23 Jan 2015 Meeting
On Friday 14th November 2014, a unique Meeting was held in the Lodge at which four Brothers – Iain Orr Agnew, Robert McKinnon Agnew, James Morgan Agnew(twin), Stuart McLean Agnew(twin) were initiated at the same Meeting. At the second Meeting of 2015, 23rd January 2015, these Brethren were passed to the Fellowcraft Degree. This date was also significant inasmuch as it was the sixth anniversary of the fire which destroyed so much of the Masonic Hall and many of its very important contents.
The classical allusion of the phoenix rising out of the ashes is particularly appropriate with reference to the Hall and the Lodge. The Hall as a result of the commitment and hard work of so many Brethren has been restored and improved and provides a comfortable environment in which 5 Lodges can hold their meetings. The Lodge is now moving forward with several younger and very enthusiastic candidates refreshing the lifeblood of the Lodge.
The Lodge was delighted to welcome the Provincial Grand Master, Brother James C Peddie, and a Deputation of Commissioned Office-Bearers, Elected Office-Bearers and Stewards. Brother James C Peddie was made an Honorary Member of the Lodge; the Obligation was delivered by Brother Alistair Henderson, PM 683, Immediate Past Provincial Grand Master.
The Meeting on 23rd January 2015 was enhanced by the presence of 35 Brethren from the Province of Cheshire holding under the English Constitution, including the Master of the Seacombe Lodge No 3468(EC), Brother Carl Fryer. In addition, the Master of Lodge Thistle and Rose No 73 introduced 8 Brethren from Lodges holding under the Grand Lodge of Switzerland “Alpina”. These Brethren locate from the Italian speaking Canton of Switzerland, one of whom addressed the Lodge and whose speech was translated by Brother Dino Kerr PM 683.
After the conclusion of the Meeting, an excellent Buffet Meal, including the traditional Haggis and Neeps and Tatties, and a Burns Harmony was enjoyed by the company. Brother David Quinn PM 817, MM 1285 recited Tam O’ Shanter.
23 Jan 2015 Meeting — No Comments
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