1000 mile walk
Between 1 June and 15 June 2020, the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow will hold a 1000 mile walk in aid of the Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice.
Participants will walk a ten miles in their own time and in as many stages as suits them in aid of the hospice. It is hoped a minimum of 100 people will take part.
The event is open to Masons, their friends, wives and partners. Every participant is being asked to attempt to raise a minimum of £100 sponsorship.
If you want to walk for this worthwile cause please email events@pglglasgow.org.uk with name and mobile number.
You can download a sponsorship form here and a gift aid form here.
Donations can be made at https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/1000-mile-walk and Cheques made payable to Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow Benevolent Fund marked 1000 mile walk on reverse of Cheque can be posted to the office.
Please help us raise as much as we can to support the Hospice in all they do. The Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice is a Registered Scottish Charity No. SC012372.
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